Thursday, July 31, 2008

5 scariest places at Cottons

(Add yours to the list by clicking on Comments and we'll add them in to the main list later)

Nazu's scariest:
1. The green scummy tank that used to be near the auditorium (I plan to write a horror story about it one day!)
2. Miss Drayton's house (now gone and replaced by the auditorium)
3. The trunk room (now gone and replaced by the dining hall!)
4. Under the stage in the old hall (rumours were there was a secret passageway to boys school there but I'm not sure anyone had the guts to check!)
5. The tailor's room (mostly because the boys from next door would yell out at us!)

Sandra's scariest:
1. The toilets!! Need I say more...

Veena's scariest:
1. Behind the chapel
2. Behind Mrs. Marchand's room (there always would be cats wailing)
3. Inside the principal's quarters (some story about a couch that blocked a secret passage where lovers were said to have perished)
4. Near the tailor's (strange men calling out to you)
5. Under the old stage


Sandra Nair (nee Marley) said...

The toilets!! Need I say more...

Without Shadow said...

Oh cool you found us!! Now get thee to facebook too!

Supriya Hegde said...

hey, Sandra where is Christine??

Veena said...

1. Behind the chapel
2. Behind Mrs. Marchand's room (there always would be cats wailing)
3. Inside the principal's quarters (some story about a couch that blocked a secret passage where lovers were said to have perished)
4. Near the tailor's (strange men calling out to you)
5. Under the old stage